Friday, December 12, 2014

Sorry Itohan, you're the first one I clicked on...

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Itohan Osifo wrote a blog called Illegal Immigrants. In this blog, Itohan writes about her opinion on the topic of illegal immigrants and whether or not they should have the right to vote. Itohan does not believe that illegal immigrants should be able to vote because of their inclinations to vote towards whichever political affiliation offers them. She says that they’ll “[lead people to] people in office who [are] not qualified or there to help the [taxpayers] they will represent.” She acknowledges the benefits of illegal immigrants’ involvement in the American economy, but notes that their voting for benefits might lose money for hardworking citizens.
            I think that this article was pretty good. Itohan effectively expressed her opinion, though I believe some official facts or statistics would help strengthen her argument. I think that her opinion is valid and that illegal immigrant, from whatever country they’re from, should not be given the right to vote. Though their participation in our daily lives and economy are great, I believe that the people who are legally committed to support them and their families’ opinions matter more. Our government is digging us into a deeper debt trying to accommodate for children brought over the border or people who live off of other’s people’s livelihoods. Our own Congress might have been stalled in making a crucial decision about how much further we could get into debt, by Republican’s actions against immigration.

            I think America is in enough trouble as it is with our debt and future. We shouldn't be putting more onto Congress’ table. When the government looks past citizens, to needlessly throw money around for any country and its illegal immigrants; it feels as though they’re working towards potential new voters rather than the People they’re obligated to protect and serve.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Not about Education either

On December 2nd 2014, it finally looks like the government is actually trying to avoid a government shut down! As some might know, on December 11th 2014 the government will officially run out of money unless the Congress does something about it. And last year nothing was taken care of and the government shut down for about half of October. And it took such a long time for the government to get it together because both Democratic and Republican parties struggled to agree on the spending budget. Republican’s attempt to defund or limit Obamacare is what caused the whole dilemma. The Grand Old Party took the blame for the shutdown and it had a negative impact on the Republican Party as a whole.
            And so this year, the GOP is trying something different. Instead of challenging Obama’s newly pronounced immigration reform right now, they’re going to wait until next year. An unexpected action taken by Texas’s favorite party.
"I think they understand that it's going to be difficult to take meaningful action as long as we got Democrat control of the Senate," Boehner said (CNN). This choice might have been influenced by the fact that the Republican Party is about to retake full control of Congress in about a decade.

I think that recently it feels as though our government administration has not been listening to the people. When the Republican Party refused to budge last year with its demands, I lost faith in their capability to help guide this country. If they had just conceded, even just momentarily, then the government could have avoided such an event and people would not have been temporarily out of work. Now I have the impression that they’re working for the people (or just trying to get back into Congress majority), but either way it feels like a good change. As a ‘Young Outsider” it’s pretty hard to put much faith in the government or federal entities. I don’t have any particular qualms with either or any party; I’m only concerned when public is negatively affected by its trepidation or ineptitude. If the government, any party or affiliation, works toward the people, it’ll get back on track and towards a more trustworthy future.